You can build a Tealeaf report template to identify which web and app servers are hit by the users. This can save your troubleshooting time and get to the root cause quickly.
I) Setup an Event
1) Launch RealiTeaPro viewer.
2) Navigate to Edit -> Event Editor -> Attributes
3) Create an Attribute
jk-attr-webserver with Attribute Type as Text.
4) Navigate to Edit -> Event Editor -> Categories
5) Create a Category
Flag: Active selected
Match Type: 0-String pattern
Case: Insensitive
Encoding: No Translation
Buffer: Request
Start Tag: \njk-webserver-req-set-field=
End Tag: \r
6) Navigate to Edit -> Event Editor -> Events
7) Create an Event
Group: SysOps
Value Tyoe: Default
Match Type: 16-Data is NOT null
Buffer: Filtered by Category
Flag: Interesting Event selected
Event Result Type: Text
Attribute Name:
8) Save and Commit the changes.
II) Setup Privacy Filter
1) From the browser, login to Tealeaf portal.
2) Navigate to WorldView -> Transport Service -> Privacy Filter configuration -> View/Edit Raw
3) Create or Edit one of the rules
Actions=IndexRemote_Addr, IndexRequest_Method, ReqSetTLTURL,
4) Add the action
BIGipServer{cookienameforwebserver}. You can find this field/cookie name from Request data when replaying the Tealeaf session. In my case, BigIP LTM injects a cookie with prefix BIGipServer. This can be any cookie injected by the server.
5) Save the config
6) Click on Transport Service and restart.
III) Build a Tealeaf Report Template
1) From the browser, login to Tealeaf portal.
2) Create a new template 'Operations Template' or add the relevant columns to the existing template.
3) Add the WebServer column
Title: WebServer
Field: Session Attribute Value
Attribute: jk-attr-webserver
Operation: Display Field Value
4) Save.
Your report now displays the column titled WebServer with cookie value. With this cookie value, you can find out which server is being hit. The same procedure can be repeated to track JBOSS appserver by reading the corresponding cookie.
If you are using BigIP LTM, you can track the server using cookie. Please refer